1 Human Rights
AddIn365 follows the Human Rights Policy and supports the realisation of human rights by contributing to society through the development of superior, original technology and products, and delivering innovations that answer society’s challenges. As a prerequisite to this, AddIn365 seeks to meet its responsibility to respect human rights.
1.1 The Responsibility to Respect Human Rights
AddIn365 strives to meet its responsibility to respect human rights by not infringing on human rights and addressing negative human rights impacts which may arise in connection with its operations and business relationships. AddIn365 understands human rights to be, at a minimum, those outlined in the International Bill of Human Rights and the International Labour Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. The responsibility to respect applies to all directors, officers and employees of AddIn365.
AddIn365 expects its business partners and other parties whose own impacts may be directly linked to AddIn365’s operations, products or services to respect and not infringe upon human rights, and will respond appropriately where they are not doing so.
1.2 Relationship to AddIn365’s Values and AddIn365 Policies
AddIn365 is aware that as a business enterprise it is a member of society and can contribute to creating an environment in which human rights are respected. Meeting this responsibility is accepted as a baseline expectation for all companies and is an expression of AddIn365’s Mission and Vision. This policy supplements the AddIn365 Code of Ethics as set out in the AddIn365 Employment Handbook and AddIn365 CSR policy.
1.3 Implementing the Responsibility to Respect Human Rights
AddIn365 is committed to meeting the responsibility to respect human rights through implementing the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
AddIn365 will develop and implement ongoing human rights due diligence. Due diligence processes will include identifying and assessing potential and actual human rights impacts and taking appropriate action to prevent or mitigate risks. The processes will also entail tracking to ensure the effectiveness of AddIn365’s actions to address impacts and risks. To account for how AddIn365 responds to potential and actual human rights impacts, it will also develop and implement processes to communicate its findings externally.
Where AddIn365 identifies that it has caused or contributed to a negative human rights impact, the company will provide for or cooperate in legitimate processes to provide remediation.
AddIn365 adheres to national law and regulation in each market in which it operates. Where AddIn365 faces conflicts between internationally recognised human rights and national laws, the company will follow processes that seek ways to honour the principles of international human rights.
AddIn365 will provide appropriate training and capacity building in order to embed this policy commitment throughout the company.
AddIn365 is committed to engaging in dialogue with and consulting relevant external stakeholders about addressing potential and actual human rights impacts.
2 Anti-Slavery
AddIn365 has a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and human trafficking, including child labour and forced labour, and is committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all activities and business relationships and it expects its supply chain, contractors, employees and all other business partners to commit to the same, including implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to prevent and detect any acts of modern slavery and human trafficking.
AddIn365 will make reasonable endeavours to ensure all employees and agents within its supply chains are not subject to any form of forced, compulsory/bonded labour or human trafficking.
AddIn365 adheres to all applicable anti-slavery laws, including but not limited to the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 (“Anti-Slavery Laws”).
AddIn365 strives to meet its responsibility to comply with Anti-Slavery Laws by maintaining clear procedures preventing exploitation and human trafficking, checking its supply chains and making appropriate checks on all employees, recruitment agencies and suppliers to ensure AddIn365 is aware who is working for it.
AddIn365, its employees and agents shall ensure that all workers are safeguarded and treated fairly and with dignity, and shall require that everyone observe this policy and be aware that turning a blind eye is unacceptable.
AddIn365 will provide appropriate training and capacity building for its employees in order to identify any potential modern slavery situations, respond and report appropriately.
AddIn365 is committed to checking its supply chains to ensure the potential for slavery and human trafficking is significantly reduced by following its Third Party Due Diligence process.
AddIn365 will check recruitment agencies before adding them to our list of approved agencies to ensure the potential for slavery and human trafficking is reduced as far as possible by conducting background checks, investigating reputation, ensuring the staff the agency provides have the appropriate paperwork and ensuring the agency provides assurances that the appropriate checks have been made on the person they are supplying.
All people working for AddIn365 or on AddIn365’s behalf in any capacity must:
Read, understand and comply with this policy, and avoid any activity that might lead to, or suggest, a breach of this policy;
Notify their immediate manager as soon as possible if they believe or suspect that a conflict with this policy has occurred, or may occur in the future; and
Raise concerns about any issue or suspicion of modern slavery in any parts of our business or supply chains of any supplier tier at the earliest possible stage.
Any employee who breaches this policy will face disciplinary action, which could result in dismissal for misconduct or gross misconduct.
AddIn365 may terminate the relationship with other individuals and organisations working on AddIn365’s behalf if they breach this policy.
In addition, for the United Kingdom, AddIn365 acknowledges its responsibility under the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (“the Act”) to ensure transparency with regards to its compliance with Act. Specifically, under the Act there are clear responsibilities on organisations to tackle and prevent slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labour and human trafficking.