How we meet your digital employee experience objectives
Delivering a digital employee experience that your
employees will love, doesn’t need to feel unattainable
Culture. Connection

Deliver your internal communication strategy and help employees to feel connected to your brand, by aligning your digital workplace look and feel to the brand and culture of your company.
With hybrid and remote working the norm, employees can be left feeling distant and disengaged with their employer. Gallup recently found that only 15% of workers feel highly involved in – and enthusiastic about – their work and workplace.
By telling your brand story through your digital employee experience, you can develop an emotional connection between your organisation and employees, reinforcing your employer differentiators.
When a brand aligned digital employee experience is combined with your compelling communications content, employees will feel connected to your organisations goals, values and vision. How do we deliver brand alignment? See the Creative and Page Kit for Microsoft 365.

Care. Consideration
Show your employees you care by delivering relevant, tailored content experiences in your digital workplace. Use personalisation to ensure your employees can quickly find what they are looking for- without the noise.
The Digital Workplace Group recently found that 41% of all information provided to employees is irrelevant to their specific job role.
Drive employee engagement with relevant content experiences and digital tools that support their productivity in the work environment.
How do we deliver personalisation? As part of our project approach we deliver task-based experiences and will help you to set up content targeting.
Our products also drive a personalised experience, especially our Creative and Page Kit, Viva Connections Dashboard Tiles and Power Platform Pack.

Conversation. Contribution
Facilitate cross-team connections to support employee productivity. Communities of practice enable each team member to share knowledge and tips – fostering collaborative learning – a key driver of productivity and problem-solving.
Meaningful communities drive cultural alignment. A recent study found that 62% of all frontline workers say leadership does not prioritise building culture (Microsoft Work Trend Index) – a challenge that can be easily solved.
At the heart of every organisation are its values. Through community you can foster engagement with these values by encouraging storytelling and the sharing of experiences.
Using Viva Engage, employees can comment, ask and respond to questions, run polls and give praise to colleagues. By supporting two-way communications as part of your digital employee experience, your employees can be your best cultural ambassadors.

Calculate. Cultivate
Measure engagement with your digital communications content and evolve your digital employee experience with your employee and communications needs.
By monitoring how employees interact with your content, you can improve their digital experiences based on their preferences and needs. What’s more, as your business objectives evolve your content experience can evolve with it.
How can you measure if your digital employee experience is effective? See our Addin Analytics product.
Our employee engagement software delivers.