by Suzy Dean | Oct 25, 2024 | CEO Blog spooky
Why has this happened? In the quest to serve every employee, an intranet homepage laden with links often ends up serving no one effectively. The overwhelming number of links can make it unclear who they are meant for, leading to confusion and inefficiency. When links...
by Audrone Do Nascimento | Jun 30, 2023 | News
Employees in the UK are among the most unengaged in the world. Just 10% feeling engaged at work, according to new research by Gallup. This places Britain 33rd out of 38 countries Europe. Why’s this important? Employees who feel engaged are less likely to leave...
by Suzy Dean | Jun 28, 2023 | CEO Blog
Employee engagement is a top priority for businesses looking to get the most from their people – Gallup research shows that highly engaged units see a 41% reduction in absences and a 17% rise in productivity. During our recent webinar Microsoft MVP and AddIn365 CEO,...