by Audrone Do Nascimento | Jun 19, 2017 | Events
AddIn365 will be speaking at Microsoft’s global conference, Inspire, on July 10 2017, in Washington DC. Inspire is a conference held annually by Microsoft for its partner community. At Inspire, partners learn about Microsoft’s roadmap for the upcoming year....
by Audrone Do Nascimento | May 17, 2017 | News
AddIn365 CEO, Suzy Dean, has been invited to contribute a guest blog to the Microsoft Banking and Capital Markets website, about the way in which our customer, TSB Bank, is using Office 365 and AddIn365 products to stay ahead of the competition in the retail banking...
by Audrone Do Nascimento | May 16, 2017 | News
Wes Hackett, AddIn365 CTO, was asked to contribute in a series by Voitanos asking experienced SharePoint developers to share their thoughts on the new development model for SharePoint – the SharePoint Framework. You can watch the video here or read the...
by Audrone Do Nascimento | May 4, 2017 | News
AddIn365 have been invited to join the Microsoft ISV Council. The ISV Council is an invitation-only advisory council developed by Microsoft to gather and disseminate top partner feedback on strategic Microsoft products, customer campaigns, competition and programs...
by Audrone Do Nascimento | Apr 13, 2017 | Events
AddIn365 CTO, Wes Hackett, will be speaking on Microsoft Teams at SharePoint Saturday, 24th June 2017, in London. SharePoint Saturday is a Microsoft community event ran with the purpose of sharing Office 365 best practices. As an Office 365 Microsoft MVP, recognised...