AddIn365 CTO, Wes Hackett, will be speaking on Microsoft Teams at SharePoint Saturday, 24th June 2017, in London.
SharePoint Saturday is a Microsoft community event ran with the purpose of sharing Office 365 best practices. As an Office 365 Microsoft MVP, recognised by Microsoft for his expertise in the Office 365 field, Wes has been asked to lead a session on the new Microsoft Teams service.
Microsoft Teams was announced in Preview at the beginning of November 2016. Microsoft Teams sits on top of Office 365 Groups and adds many additional capabilities such as channels, Skype for Business and Connectors. Microsoft Teams Developer preview offers several ways to integrate with Microsoft Teams. In this sessions, Wes will explain the different ways a developer can extend the Microsoft Teams experience. Wes will demonstrate how Connectors allow your team to receive notifications and updates from other services, how Bots allow for engagement via chat and how Tabs directly surface your web experience in the right context to support team work.
For more information about the event, visit the website here.