I spend a lot of time with directors and C-suite professionals at top of the IT ladder in their respective industries, and always find it fascinating to learn how they progressed to their current role. So, in this series, I’m sitting down with different business leaders to learn more about their career journeys.  

With more than 50 offices in over 30 countries around the world, Robert Walters’ CTO, Dominic Dow is well versed in the art of getting people on board with digital change.  

I sat down with Dominic to discuss why it’s critical to bring your team and stakeholders on the mission, his top three mentor lessons, why you need to use digital workplace technology to retain talent and more.

Complete this form to watch the full interview with Robert Walters CTO, Dominic Dow: 

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About Robert Walters

Founded in 1985, Robert Walters is a world-leading recruitment consultancy that employs over 4,200 talented staff across 31 countries. They operate on a global stage and, alongside their core consultancy, Robert Walters also has a recruitment outsourcing business called Resource Solutions and a clerical recruitment brand operating in Europe called Walters People.