by Suzy Dean | Jan 25, 2021 | CEO Blog
Approvals in Microsoft Teams is currently rolling out across the globe, allowing all users to produce, share and sign-off on those essential approval requests directly from the hub, a channel, or a chat. The brand-new app will revolutionise the workplace...
by Suzy Dean | Dec 9, 2020 | CEO Blog
Rainfall on a window – 50 Decibels Washing machine – 75 Decibels Vacuum Cleaner – 85 Decibels Your next door neighbour’s extension being built – 90 Decibels A dog barking – 95 Decibels Leaf blower – 110 Decibels A passing motorcycle – 110 Decibels A crying...
by Suzy Dean | Nov 2, 2020 | CEO Blog
With stricter work from home measures sweeping across much of Europe this week, many of us will be increasingly relying on the Video Call and Video Meeting functions within Microsoft Teams to conduct our business communications. Large online audience capabilities and...
by Suzy Dean | Sep 15, 2020 | CEO Blog
If you join a Microsoft Teams call and other folk start to message in the meeting chat, each message can ‘ping’. This can make it hard to listen to what is being said. To turn off the ping, go in to Chat, in your left hand rail and find the meeting you are...
by Suzy Dean | Sep 2, 2020 | CEO Blog
If you are taking part in a meeting, where there is mainly talking rather than presenting, you may want to try Together mode. Together mode provides an auditorium so you can easily connects meeting attendees in one space. Please note, if you need to show physical...